The Wild Goose

Full listing of all segments of a pressentation by the Franciscans on the Celtic understanding of the Holy Spirit as the Wild Goose.

God's Love Poured Out - The Wild Goose Segment #1

Breath of God - The Wild Goose Segment #2

Baptism in the Holy Spirit - The Wild Goose Segment #3

The Spirit and Our Lady - The Wild Goose Segment #4

Gifts of the Spirit - The Wild Goose Segment #5

The Spirit and the Eucharist - The Wild Goose Segment #6

The Spirit of Adoption - The Wild Goose Segment #7

The Spirit and the Sacraments - The Wild Goose Segment #8

The Fruits of the Spirit - The Wild Goose Segment #9

The Spirit and the Desert - The Wild Goose Segment #10

The Spirit Convicts - The Wild Goose Segment #11

The Spirit's Freedom - The Wild Goose Segment #12

The Spirit's Witness - The Wild Goose Segment #13

The Spirit Remembers- The Wild Goose Segment #14